Thursday, April 14, 2011


It was early morning, and the wind breezed slowly through the camp. The Largest Waterfall rumbled iin the distace. A battle cry peirced the calm, and enemy wolves invaded camp. Kryan barked and yowled, waking up any pack members who may have still been sleeping.


  1. Adrian jumped up instantly. He was ready to defend his pack. He ran out and screamed furiously. He jumped on a wolves back.

    Haru gasped as she looked out. She looked to the sky and dove into the fury.

    Tai thought for a moment."I'm a Hunter, do I still fight."

  2. Frost barked and leaped into the fight. She nipped at the closest wolf and it spun around ready to fight the white wolf.

    Hakoda growled ferociously and jumped on the closest wolf, his black pelt just a flash amongst the fighting wolves.

    Tyko watched, he was a hunter and didn't know how to fight.

  3. Kahzy skidded to a halt and whirled around.
    "GRRRRAH!" she bellowed as she flung herself at a wolf. She desperatly tried ot get a glimps of Kryan, the Alpha thorugh the howling pack of wolves fighting.
    "I hope she's okay! I have to help her! That's my job!" a wolf bit into Kahzy's side, spewing blood across her white coat and making her yelp and shriek in pain. She snarled and bit back feriously and continued towards Kryon. Suddenly she was overwhelmed with wolves. She was snarling and throwing herself back and forth in a wild attempt to dislodge them.
    Freyjja and Trojan were battling wolves as a team. They snarled and bit in unison--fighting blow for blow against the enemy wolves.
    Tahoe was roaring wildly and leaping at any wolf he saw and ripping and crunchin gwiht his strong jaws. He snarled and kicked as hard as he could.
    Rico was next to Kryon as she bellowed the warning. He attempted to reach her and try to protect her but failed and was forced to stay just out of reach while battling wolves.
    Katara snarled and bared her teeth at a wolf. An instant later she leapt and landed squarly on it's back, kicking and then leaping expertly off it's back.
    "Try actually training for battle next time, looser!" she snarled as she whirled around and jumped at another wolf.
    Razor admired the way Katara made fighting these wolves look easy. Obviously she had had much training as a loner. He leapt over and joined her, paired up, they were even worse and soon sent several wolves scattering; although that wasn't the half of them.

  4. Dayra-
    Battle pierced the air, and she was frozen. (What do I do??) she thought. She didn't know how to fight... but she knew what battles meant. Injuries. And injuries meant she was needed! She rushed out, scanning the camp for anyone who had gotten injured yet... everyone seemed to be doing well. The fighters were ferocious, and the hunters were doing the best they could to help anyone in trouble, but most of them were hanging back around the dens.

    Keet & Taro-
    The brothers stood there, paralyzed. Keet was growling fiercely and giving his best glare, standing over Taro. Taro whined in complaint, but when an enemy came too close and Keet swatted him away, he shut up. Taro looked about desperately for his mentor and leader. He was near her when she gave the alarm, but what happened after? He scanned the crowd, but it was no use. It was just a huge mass of writhing fury and teeth, and every member of the pack was being swallowed in it.

  5. Shenzi wresled her way put of the mass, trying to find the two trainees. "You two, either fight or go try to help Dayra!" she abrked over the noise. Then she lunged back into battle, fighting hard.

    Zeno seemed to dance through the enemies, biting at flanks, inflicting near fatal neck wounds and tearing ears. He maintained at atmosphere of total calm for a few minutes, until a circle gathered around him, and he fell to the ground, overcome by wolves. He saw a fimiair form of a wolf nearby. "" he moaned.

    Kryan tore at wolves around her, her flank bloody and matted, her pelt crissdcrossed with deep wounds. Her front left paw lay limp and usless at her side, and she blood gushed from a terrible neck wound that appeared to eventually be fatal.

  6. Haru gasped and saw Zeno trapped. She leaped over a bunch of wolves and landed square on the back of one. The circle piled on top of her. She bit and slashed, but it was so much weight. She felt pressure pushing heavily on her.

  7. Kahzy and Razor were fighting furiously. They sent a few wolves yelping and limping away in pain and whirled around, ready for more. Freyjja and Trojan circled over and stood next to Razor and Kahzy. They struck out and any wolf who came close. Above the chaos they always managed to add insult to injury.
    "Oh come ON! What do they TEACH you these days??"
    "Was that your best? Ha ha ha ha! Now really. Show me what you can do, scumbag!"
    "Honestly! Makes you wonder what they TEACH these guys!" they continued having a good time, dispite their wounds until suddenly Trojan let his guard down.
    "Come ON! Is that your best?? Your ABSOLUTE B-" in the middle of a sentance, he was shoved down on his back and a wolf bit into his throat with fury. Trojan's face held a look of mild panic but mostly still a mocking look. He started to cring in pain as he kicked as hard as he could at the enemy wolf. He started to choke and gasp.
    "Clggglks!" he gagged as blood poured from the wound on his throat. The wolf steppped backwards for a split second to avoid Trojan's ripping claws. Trojan took that to his advantage. He kicked out in the other direction, knocking the wolf in the jaw.
    "I would have finished the kill *cough* ages ago! *cough*!" he coughed and choked a few times. He leaped expertly over Freyjja who had seen him go down but was fighting another wolf, Kahzy, who had also seen him but, likewise, was unable to get away, and pinned the wolf who had attempted to kill him down. He went for the throat, not intent to kill, but intent to freak him out so much he wouldn't come back. It worked and the moment he let off the pressure, the wolf blasted away in pain and fear. Trojan staggered to the side of the camp and fell on his side, breath coming in shallow gasps and blood dripping out his nose and mouth.
    Kahzy and Razor saw Trojan's blunder. Kahzy instantly tried to shove away the wolf she was fighting but was unable to get away. She kept a fierce battle up, blow for blow. She saw Trojan leap over her and she relaxed a bit; he had to be okay if he could leap so high. She finally sent the wolf away with a snarl and whipped around to find her friend. She looked desperatly around before spotting him getting the better end of the fight with the wolf who had pinned him down. She turned back to the battle, fighting side by side with Razor, Freyjja, Tahoe and Rico.
    Freyjja saw her brother, Trojan fall and she yelped in panic. She was fighting a bigger wolf than herself and she was unable to get away. She saw him leap over her and, like Kahzy, was reasured that he could handle himself and was okay. The battle raged on furiously.
    Katara had been seperated from the group of wolves she was usually with and was near the Alpha, Kryon. She saw the Alpha's terrible wound and tried to get over to her. She struggled through the wolves and almost reached her when a wolf jerked her backwards and bit her leg. In panic for her leader and fury at her oponent, she whirled around, snarling and biting furiously. The wolf backed off and Katara sent it farther into the midst of the fight with a powerful kick of her back legs. She continued trying to cover the last few feet to the Alpha's side. She finally made it.
    "Kryan! KRYAN!" she bellowed. She did another spin-kick and gave a powerful kick, also clawing a wolf's eye. The wolf went blindly away as fast as it could go, bellowing in pain. Katara looked at her leader desperatly.
    "You need a healer!" she gasped as she saw her neck wound.

  8. "Im....fine" Kryan barked between ragged and uneaven breaths. She snapped harshly at the wolf infront of her, tearing flesh, but seemed to be growing weaker.

  9. "No! Kryan! Your hurt badly!" Katarah barked furiously. She snarled at a wolf as she continued to speak to the Alpha.
    ((I love how they continue to talk normaly while fighting.)) "Stop! You have to! Your going to die if you don't get a healer's attention right now!" Katarah glanced around desperatly before spotting a Healer.
    "DAYRA! THE ALPHA!" she bellowed over the loud noise of the battle. ((I also love how the Role playing works. Everybody gets apic, posts it-and so on. Genious! I wonder who did the first....))

  10. (Who ever did it first was pretty smart)

    "Katatah, there are others who need help just as much as me!" Kryan snapped, knowing it wasnt true. As she fought, she began to falter, and within a few seconds was on the ground buried by a mass of snapping wolves.

  11. (I know, right? It's genious!)
    Katarah suddenly knocked the Alpha to the ground and stood over her.
    "Stay there!" she snarled at her. "You're in NO condition to continue fighting!" she looked up and bellowed at Dayra-- "DAYRA! HURRY!" she placed a paw gently on Kryan's shoulder and as a wolf came near she whirled around and gave it a wound to think about.

  12. Kryan bit at Katarah's paw enough to get up from under her. "Im not going to stop fighting until every single enemy wolf as been taken care of!" She growled in her face, before pushing Katarah away from her. She instantly leaped on another enemy, fighting with vigor, and dispite how weak she was, Kryan was still a smart fighter and sent the enemy sprawling within seconds.

    Zeno scrambled to his feet, free of his brurden, and fighing his way to Haru, tossing wolves away with his powerful jaws.

  13. The wolf charged at Frost and she leaped to dodge, but it was a heartbeat to late. She could feel teeth meeting with her side. She winced in pain but continued fighting.

  14. Tahoh shot over towards Frost and bowled over the wolf who was attacking her. He snarled and bit at the wolf angrily. He ripped at the wolf's shoulder and felt his teeth sink into flesh and blood poured out.
    "Are you okay, Frost?" he gasped between snarls.

    @Alina--no. You do < > these instead of [ ] these. Please don't spam on the Cbox!

  15. ((sorry I didn't respond for awhile!!))
    It was all a blur. Shapes, going around her, swirling in an endless haze of screaming and fury. Battle. It was terrible. How could everyone go through this, and still have enough strength to fight?! Seeing their friends and family, their loved ones... all being hurt. She glanced back at where she last saw her siblings.
    Her heart skipped a beat.
    She whipped around, where were they?!?! Disappeared in the mist of battle, she figured... but she only took her eyes off of them for a moment! "Keeet!! Taaroo!!" Nowhere. This was battle. Sounds, sight, smell. It was there. Real.Then she heard her name. There were others who needed her, she knew... Resolved, she leaped into the fury, beginning to wrestle her way to the call. Then she spotted Trojan. She suddenly felt a tear in her heart. She was faced with a choice... An impossible choice. Both Kryon and Trojan were mentors to her beloved brothers. Both hurt equally as bad. Her brain told her 'Hurry, Hurry, Hurry' but her heart told her something else. It translated to pain. A tear. Which way to turn? It was like choosing between her brothers.
    Suddenly she saw. It was like someone had scooped her from the sucking abyss of a canyon, and held her like a newborn pup. "Keet! Taro!" She almost crumbled in relief, but then snapped to her senses. [[about time, right?]]
    "Taro, take these herbs and help Keet! Keet, use the little you know and help everyone! Start with your mentor, Trojan!" she pointed her muzzle to the badly wounded hunter. "I'm counting on you." She stared them both deep into their eyes, so they would understand. And they did.
    Now only one left. Please be alright... Kryon.

  16. Zeno faced off with two wolves, fainting to one side before snapping tawreds the other, and shouldering wolves to the ground.

    Shenzi fought with strength and vengance for her hurt packmates.

    Kryan fell on her side, and this time did not get up.

  17. "KRYAN!!!" bellowed Katarah. She turned and glared across the clearing, past alll the wolves.
    "DAYRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRY!!!!" she bellowed.

  18. Frost winced when she leaped at another wolf, a black male with amber eyes. Her side stung and still welled with blood but she ignored it. She lunged at the wolves neck, hoping she could paralyze the wolf.

  19. Dayra-
    "KYRAAAN!!!" she screeched, charging through the masses towards her leader. Her heart pounding, the blood thundered in her ears just as loud as the battle. Paws pelting over the ground, her breath caught in her throat. Finally, as she crashed into a pile by her side, she saw her, and froze in terror as Kryon appeared to be not breathing. Wait, no, look closely, hope whispered from somewhere deep inside her. Kryan's flank was rising, falling, as faint as summer wind in the tree branches. Marigold... Cobwebs... She set to work, chewing poultices and pressing down on the wound, a horribly deep gash right in her neck. She looked closely, inspecting to see if blood veins were cut. Dayra sighed with relief, yet her eyes remained on the wound every moment. It actually wasn't that deep; it looked deadly though, as blood had been pumping from it. (If I can stop the bleeding... if only...) She was barely aware of the chaos surrounding. All focus on her leader. Now she truly knew what undivided attention meant.
    It seemed like ages. Finally, after almost the full stock of cobwebs and various other herbs, she had time to let out the breath she forgot she was holding. She gazed about. Was the battle over?

  20. Zeno srtuggled to get to Haru, making sure the wolf who had proboly saved his life was safe.

  21. Haru finally got a gasp of air. She saw Zeno struggling to get into the pile."Over Here!" She gasped out with some of her breath.

  22. Zeno caught site of her and tore from nearby wolves, pushing wolves away from Haru.

  23. Groaning, Haru finally squeezed. She tried to run or turn, but her hind leg fell out from underneath her.

  24. "Let me help." Zeno supported Haru, helping her stand,

  25. Haru leaned against Zeno, her hind leg off the ground."Thanks." She smiled.

  26. "C'mon." He barked guiding her to the side of the clearing. He faltered a few times, he was oviously badley hurt but trying not to show it.

  27. Haru glanced at him with worry."Are you okay?" Maybe you should rest."

  28. Zeno looked straight ahead. "In a minute." he barked.

  29. Katarah looked nervous.
    "Is Kryan goign to be okay..?" she asked Dayra.

  30. Dayra-
    "Of course," She smiled at Katarah, but she was worried. It was going to be awhile before she left the leader's side. She glanced around the camp, Trojan was getting up, shrugging off any help anyone tried to give him. I should have known, she thought with a smirk. The enemy had mostly retreated, leaving only a few stragglers trying to get away. She noticed Haru's leg, and frowned. From her view, Dayra could already tell Haru might not walk normally again.
