Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Join Page!

To join, please post your-


You must join as at least THREE wolves!
You must join as at least one male and one female wolf!
You may not join as Alpha or Beta
There may be two healers and two healer apprentinces
You MUST be active!
You must use real wolf pictures!
No powers or strange colorations
You may not do random things that have nothing to do with what anyone else is doing(like doing a really long comment where you bring in new wolves from some wolves distant past)
No rudness or spamming


  1. Name: Haru
    Rank: Fighter
    Description/Personality/History/Other: Pretty cream colored wolf with shaggy fur and streaks of silver, grey, and white. She has very light hazel eyes. She is very loyal and devoted, but only to one thing at a time. It is sometimes hard to gain her attention, because she gazes around a lot. She loves to have fun with wolves she knows, but is very shy around those she doesn't. She is very smart, and uses that instead of bloodshed. She can't stand to hurt anyone's feelings, even an enemy's. Has a slight crush on Zeno, but is much too shy.
    Pic: http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/215077/215077,1278391492,10/stock-photo-portrait-of-a-gorgeous-wolf-56600806.jpg

    Name: Adrian
    Rank: I was hoping Beta, but apparently that's off limits. I do Fighter I guess.
    Description/Personality/History/Other: Handsome white wolf with silver markings and striking blue eyes. He is rough, tough, and very fun. He is a real partier and loves to mess around. He will also wrestle for fun with his friends. He can sometimes be defensive. He is very open and will welcome you the second he meets you. He is very talented at what he does. Also, he loves attention from females. He likes anyone who likes him.
    Pic: http://www.freewebs.com/kingdom-of-wolf/Ivory.jpg

    Name: Tai (Pronounced Tie)
    Rank: Hunter
    Description/Personality/History/Other: Handsome male with fur that is so cream colored it looks yellow. He has dark, stormy eyes. He loves to show off his looks and is very talented at most of the things that he does. He can be very amusing and is fun to be around. He is very respected by his pack-members, and believes very strongly in Starpack for some strange reason.
    Pic: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8a4yEsZTeKpxj6P8bT01owJX_dnMCXOgAWbATpFdhC2L8xguung&t=1

  2. Name: River
    Rank: Hunter would like beta.
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: look at pic. YFOP(You Will Find Out Personality). does not talk about her past. she only says she got lost once and got found. likes Zeno. sister to Melanie
    Gender: Fehttp://www.freewebs.com/dawnmoon/2uhpcwi.jpgmale

    Name: Lean
    Rank: Fighter
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: look at pic. YWOP. never talks about past.
    Gender: Male

    Name: Shan
    Rank: hunter
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: look at pic. YWOP. she was lost as a small pup and was taken in by ………. likes Lean
    Gender: female

    Name: Melanie
    Rank: hunter
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: brown wolf blue eyes. YWOP. never talks about her past. sister to River.
    Gender: Female
    Pic: can you use the one Salt has on MistyPack PLEEEAAASE? it is my fav pic and it suits her so well except for the eyes!

  3. Name: Frost
    Rank: Beta Female? :)
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: Pretty white wolf with amber eyes. She is caring and very sweet but is somewhat competetive. She is very loving and loves to be in the forest. She had a horrible past and does not talk about it no matter what. She has a crush on Adrian.
    Pic: http://images1.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/White-Wolf-wolves-1129983_1402_1201.jpg

    Name: Hakoda
    Rank: Fighter
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: Very handsome black wolf with green eyes. Sometimes hard headed and strong willed he is very competitive and a tough fighter. He loves to joke around and have fun. He was once a lone wolf.
    Pic: http://jbxtaylorlautner.webs.com/Wolf%20pics/1136193322blackwolf.jpg

  4. Name: Tyko
    Rank: Hunter
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: Lean brown and white male wolf with amber eyes. He is brave and very swift. He would like a mate. He was once a rouge wolf but decided to give up that life to live in a pack.
    Pic: http://www.wolfpark.org/Images/wolfdogs/figure003.JPG

  5. Name: Tahoh
    Gender: male
    Rank: Fighter/Hunter (if not then Fighter)
    Discription/Personality/History/Other: Tan and cream handsome male wolf. He enjoys other wolf's company and isn't afraid to say what he thinks is right. He stands his ground when confronted and isn't afraid to fight. Loves watching stars. He used to be a loner and he knows lots of stories and adventures. Some his own, some others and some just tall tales. Very loyal to his pack.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: None.
    Pic: http://c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000v_EDHeZjjyE/s/600/MW1095.jpg

    Name: Kahzy (You don't have to put this but it's pronounced Kah--Zee)
    Gender: Female
    Rank: (I guess not Beta? EVERYBODY wants it! Lolz.... then-) Hunter/Fighter or Hunter
    Discription/Personality/History: A young white female wolf. She is spunky and a all around fun wolf to be around. She likes to pull pranks but she, of course, has a serious side. She can be a good leader and also a good follower.
    Crush/mate/kin: Crush on Hakoda.
    Pic: http://www.featurepics.com/FI/Thumb300/20101010/Arctic-Wolf-1668467.jpg

    Name: Rico
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Fighter
    D/P/H/O: A greyish brown wolf with a love for howl. He has a gorgeous howl and loves to show it off. He is very handsome. He is very loyal to his pack and it's members.
    Pic: http://img.discountpostersale.com/posters/EUR23006015/1/Gray-Wolf-Howling-At-Moon.jpg

    BTW: no kin---

  6. Name: Trojan
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hunter/Fighter or Hunter.
    Personality/Discription (I do this so you can just copy it right form here and paste it! Easier!): Tan/grey wolf. Trojan is a handsome young wolf. He is usually calm. He enjoys hunting and is pretty good at it. He lives for the thrill of hunting in a pack and chasing down deer or carribu. He is loyal to his pack and would willingly die for the ones he cares about. He wants either Freyjja or the Alpha's name to be his last words. He loves to howl long and loud.
    Kin/Mate/Crush: Freyjja is his sister. No crush.
    Pic: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3053/3015648071_c72d50f267_z.jpg?zz=1

    Name: Freyjja
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Hunter/Fighter
    Discription/Personality: Pure white wolf. Freyjja is a gorgeous, calm, collected wolf who always can find the good side of a situation. She is protective of her brother. She hates to see any of her pack-mates suffer and does her best to ease their suffering. She likes to watch the stars at night and she enjoys it even more when there is sombody to share it with.
    Kin: Trojan is her brother. Crush on Lime.
    Pic: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/177/402657323_ebf5c7ce51_z.jpg?zz=1

    Name: Razor
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hunter/Fighter
    Disciption/Personality: Tan/grey/white wolf. Razor has a fierce look about him but he is really very kind. He tells stories to the pups and enjoys watching their eyes widen. He was a loner before and has many good stories.
    Pic: http://www.desktopwallpaperspace.com/pics/pic-4195-1280x1024.jpg

  7. Name: Katarah
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Hunter/Fighter or Fighter
    Discript/Person/History: A gorgeous white female wolf. She is a good fighter and a very good hunter. She can be extreemly fierce to intruders but then as sweet as wildflowers to pack members and pups.
    Crush/kin/mate: Crush on Trojan
    Pic: http://ih2.redbubble.net/work.4419907.5.flat,550x550,075,f.white-wolf.jpg

  8. Hello!! Nice pack, feel free to visit my page (Wolf's Haven) anytime through my profile!

    Name: Dayra (dai-rah)
    Rank: Healer if available, if not hunter
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: Is a very quiet female wolf, some say unnaturally able to sneak up on people and eavesdrop, but is kind and always willing to help. Is very proud of her unique knowledge of herbs, but makes it a point to teach others. She is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her two little brothers, Taro and Keet.
    Pic: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSaZZDBtdlSZ_EkVSQ7x5cqrPi2s6kDscTkgJEGZ-eQEhmAm5MXGA

    Name: Taro (Tah-row)
    Rank: Young Hunter (apprentice?)
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: Very kind and eager male hunter, just learning. He loves making jokes with his friends, and he can be mischievous at times. He is the most outgoing of the three siblings, but always includes them in group activities. Fiercely loyal to his older sister Dayra and older brother Keet.
    Pic: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQn8n3Bzr6KJ-UcY_-FV2bXmlbFKh9cAOPvwjxTg5qlKxVTAMmO

    Name: Keet
    Rank: Healer apprentice, if available (hunter if not)
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: A very shy young male, he is prone to slacking off but comes through when it counts. Clings to his older sister, Dayra. He can give a mean glare to strangers, as he often does not trust them at first. He adores his younger brother, Taro.
    Pic: http://donnaleasimpson.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/black-wolf.jpeg

  9. ~I've got new wolvies! *squee*~
    I've kinda got a plan for these ones, I'll write the story-thingy in the Healer's den, but it takes place after the battle. So don't do an invite post just yet, 'kay? ;)

    Name: Ketra (keh-trah)
    Rank: Queen? whatever is the one that is in the nursery (and after her pups grow, she will continue to be a nursery helper)
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: Very kind and beautiful, she believes that no effort is wasted and everyone is good at heart. She may be a bit naive, but will do her best, whether it be raising her children, Chire and Ricke, or defending her Pack. Her children were the first born in Fallspack.
    Pic: http://www.freewebs.com/zahareth33/white-wolf-big.jpg

    Name: Chire (said like shire)
    Rank: pup (wants to be fighter)
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: A young feisty female. Takes after her parents' looks. Mother is Ketra.
    Pic: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8mWY7XArncc/TCNqvjL8III/AAAAAAAAAVQ/FtZrMz_0yOU/s1600/wolf-pup.jpg

    Name: Ricke (ryke)
    Rank: pup (wants to be hunter)
    Discription/Persinality/History/Other: A smooth-talking young male. Takes after his parents' personality. Mother is Ketra.
    Pic: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_KOxcB_PVgpA7Jfn_E7r1fYRKVurszy0LrwD_gOP7FxmlSHuP
