Monday, April 11, 2011

Three New Wolves!

Kryan called her pack together, more strange wolves at the base of the stone she announced from. "We have a healer joining us today! Dayra, do you promise to remain loyal to Fallspack throughout your life?"
"I do." She shewolf answered calmly.
"Then you will be the new healer of Fallspack." Kryan said.
"Also, Taro and Keet will join us. They are both hunter trainees. Trojan will train Keet. I will train Taro." Kryan noticed a few wolves looking up at her questioningly, after all, and Alpha never took a mentoring job! She saw then Shenzi seemed to have figured out why, and was smiling. Zeno seemed close to relizing too. "Dissmissed!" Kryan howled before jumping down.


  1. Haru looked over at the new trainees.

    Adrian smiled at the two.

    Tai came over."Hi! I'm Tai! I hope you like living here, because I sure do!" He barked happily.

  2. "Hey!!" barked Kahzy as the new wolves entered. "Welcome to Fallspack; best pack you could've joined, I'll tell you that!" she came over to meet them and waved her tail happily.

  3. Kryan walked up to Taro. "Would you like to begin training?" she asked.

  4. "Hello." Frost walked up to the new wolves with Hakoda and Tyko.

  5. Dayra-
    "Thank you all," she dipped her head to all wolves in turn, smiling. "I will be sure to do my best!" she padded of to the healer den, intent on restocking herb supplies before the next rain. (Maybe I should ask Keet if he wants to help,) she thought after, but then saw he was busy with his new mentor. (Oh well, maybe next time,) she sighed, ducking her head inside. (lots of work to do!)

    (Woah, I'm being mentored by the Alpha?!) he thought, thinking of new ways to brag to his friends. Lifting his head at his name, he replied to Kyran: "Sure! That would be great! What are we going to do today?" ... he did think it odd, though. Glancing around, he saw the others felt the same. (Maybe she wants to make sure I don't get into trouble!) he thought, gazing to the side as he remembered the trouble he'd gotten into once when he ate some of herbs. he shuddered. (they hadn't tasted good anyway...)

    He glanced around nervously. Trojan? He was still unfamiliar with names, and had to wait until his mentor came up to him. "Um, hello," he said, glancing up at the powerful wolf. (Scary...!) he thought. The expert hunter was obviously in good shape, and Keet felt shy as he glanced down at his own scrawny legs and ruffled fur. His paws shuffled in the dust.

  6. Kyran smiled. "Lets go to the Largest Waterfall then." she barked.

  7. Trojan leapt over to Keet.
    "Heya! I'm Trojan. You're Keet, right? Great! Come on! I'll show you where we'll be training!" he barked excitedly. Normaly he was calm and collected but he seemed to be taking on Kahzy who was bounding around tirelessly--but without making people dizzy.
    "Come on," he barked again.
    Kahzy waited for Shenzi to head towards the Main Forest excitedly.
    "Shenzi? Can we go...?" she asked.

  8. Keet-
    "Okay! Let's go!" His head jerked up, surprised by Trojan's energy. "What are we doing today?" He really wanted to see some of the Falls... he hasn't had much of a chance to explore the territory yet. (I wonder how big it is...)

    "Okay then," he said, beginning to make his way to the camp exit. (I wonder how much water that is,) he pondered. (... Hmm... *moan* head hurts, too much thinking...) he shook his head and followed Kryan out.

  9. Adrian looked around, not sure of what to do. He wanted to do something helpful, but couldn't think of anything."Maybe I'm not fit for this job...." He said to himself.

  10. "Come on, Keet. We'll go to the Waterfall. It's a nice area there. Come on," he barked as he headed over.***** ((Go to the Forest Waterfall Link. Not Largest Waterfall link. See you there.))

  11. Kahzy looked over at Adrian.
    "Come on, Adrian! Let's hunt over at the Highest Hill**!" she trotted over to him and nudged him playfully before breaking into a run and yelling
    "Race you there!!!" over her shoulder.

  12. Shenzi nodded. "Lets go." she barked, heading out.
