Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Healer Den


  1. Dayra-
    She coughed, stumbling into the disused healer's den. Pushing aside cobwebs, (at least there are no shortage of those) she managed to find the basic layout, there was some moss, a small puddle, and tangled roots in the back where herbs could be stored. Sniffing at the roots, she discovered only a few different leaves. (better than nothing), she thought, dusting them off and re-stacking them underneath. She decided to clean up a bit, so she began gathering cobwebs into balls and stuffing them into a shallow hole in the tree trunk. (that should keep them dry,) she concluded, moving on to the moss. Most of it was dry, it just needed some moving about and fluffing up. After that, she addressed the puddle. Water was good, but she had to make sure no bugs were in it and it wasn't muddy. It looked fine, but she should only drink a little at first to test it. She sat down, beginning to recite some good herbs to know that she wants to teach to the Pack....

    (Please feel free to use this list, these are from the Warriors series)
    Borage leaves- fevers and to help mothers produce milk
    Burdock root- infected cuts and bites
    Mint- used for fevers and some serious coughs
    Celandine flower- ailments of the eyes
    Chamomile flower- calming and strength
    Chervil - infections, root is used for bellyache
    Cobwebs- used to stop bleeding
    Coltsfoot- good for young ones' coughs
    Comfrey- broken bones
    Daisy Leaves- sore joints
    Yewberries/Nightshade- NOT medicine, deadly in large amounts.
    Dock Leaves- smoothing fur
    Feverfew- fevers and headaches
    Goldenrod- poultice for aches and stiffness
    Horsetail sap- helps cobwebs stick
    Marigold- wounds and cracked paw pads
    Nettle leaves- swelling
    Poppy seeds- relieves pain and helps sleep
    Snakeroot- poison bites
    Tansy- coughs
    Thyme- shock
    Wild Garlic- infection
    Yarrow- ointment for sore feet, or eaten to expel poison (puke)

  2. Ketra-
    She stumbled though the dark forest, searching for a warm dry place where she could lie down for the night. A huge gash in her side oozed blood, and Ketra winced as a low branch poked her flank. Water, and food, were two needs she would have to go without tonight. As she was about to settle by a mossy tree root, the sharp tangy smell of wolf hit her. And not one wolf, but a whole pack. Struggling, she got back up and headed toward the strongest smell. She hoped they didn't mind sharing a den.
    After a bit more faulty steps, she smelled fresh prey and came out into a large clearing. She needed a healer, she knew, for her swollen belly could not wait much longer. She caught the scent of herbs and promptly collapsed into another wolf, just coming out of the entrance.

    "Help! Kryon! This she wolf is about to give birth!"

    ((ok, please invite them to the Pack now. ^.^))

  3. Kryan came running, though strangly not as quick as usuall, but she seemed slightly out of breath by the time she got there.

    Seamer also came, noticing Kryan's overly tired expression for a moment before turning to Dayra. He quickly assessed the situation. "Ill go get the proper herbs." he barked, before turning away and running to the Healer's Den.

    Kryan caught her breath. "How can I help?" she asked.
