Monday, April 18, 2011

New Wolves and Beta!

Kryan leaped on her announcement stone, and beckonded her pack together. "New wolves have decided to join the pack!" She calls. "Seamer will be a healer along side Dayra! Meesha and Ralvo are fighters! Tobo and Mynt are Hunters! Leaf is a hunter Trainee! Her mentor is Tai!"

"Also, I have chosen the Beta! The new beta will be Kahzy!"


  1. Adrian lowered his head glumly."Congratulations." He mumbled to Kahzy then settled underneath a rock to sleep.

  2. Haru smiled slightly at Zeno from a nest. Her hind leg had been crushed in the battle."Thanks." She said quietly.

  3. Kahzy looked extreemly unhappy. She muttered something like 'thanks' and turned around and bolted towards the forest.

  4. Dayra smiled warmly. "Hello," she murmured to Seamer, sliding up beside her new apprentice. "Welcome to Fallspack."

  5. Seamer smiled kindly at the she-wolf, his eyes happy. "Thanks." he barked, and having sensed something in her attitude, added, "Oh, and by the way, im not your apprentice, not matter how young I may be. Im a full healer." he looked her in the eyes while he said this, but still smiled. "Just clearing that up."

  6. (( Oh my gosh i'm sorry Seamer!! I could have sworn the post said apprentice...))
    She seemed embarrassed. "Oh, of course, I only meant that you're younger, so if you need any help getting acquainted with the healer's den, or if you'd like I could show you some good place for herbs..." she laughed nervously. (Why do I always have to mess up my first meeting?!) she thought to herself.

  7. "Hey, its no big deal." Seamer barked, shrugging it off.

  8. Zeno smiled. "Welcome." he barked.

  9. Haru. Kneaded her front paws shyly. Surely Zeno must feel something? She sighed and stared at the ground.

  10. Zeno blushed slightly, and looked down. He sat down next t her, their fur brushing slightly, "You gonna be okay?" Zeno asked.

  11. Haru felt her ears get very hot."I-I....I think so." She managed to say, then scolded herself for stuttering.

  12. "Good." Zeno barked. "You...uh....want me to bring you something? Like some food or water or something?" He looked at the ground as he spoke, then looked at her, blushing.

  13. "Well, I guess I'd like some prey." She said, her voice getting quieter. He seemed to be shy about something too.

  14. "i-Ill be right back then." Zeno barked, slipping out of the den and comming back with a large chunk of meat. "Here." he barked, sitting back down but this time touching Haru.

  15. The shock of happiness jolted into Haru when Zeno touched her. Sh smiled."Th-Th-Th-Th" She couldn't manage to say anything. She ducked her head in embarrassment."Thanks."

  16. Zeno smiled, but was nervous. "ANytime." he barked quietly. He layed down next to her with a burst of confidence. "So..."

  17. "Ummm....uh....Where were you before you came to Fallspack?" Zeno asked carefully.

  18. Haru gazed off at the mountains."Over those mountains, we encountered a giant group of cats. I don['t know how they managed, but they killed all my family. I got away though." She said, her voice light with pain.

  19. Kahzy had entered the camp again. She almost bumped into Haru and Zeno as they were talking and she ducked her head in the embarrassment of walking in on a private chat. She made a awkward gesture of apollogy and walked past them quickly, her face feeling like it was on fire.
    "I...uh...caught a few rabbits.." Kahzy barked to Adrian. "Do share one..?" she said. Instantly her face felt hot.
    I just HAD to stutter....nice, Kahzy...obviously he wouldn't wanna share one with the one who stole his place as Beta! Kahzy ducked her head and spoke quickly, "I mean, you don't have too! It's okay if you don't. Really! I can eat it by myself! I just thought...." she trailed off and stared into his eyes--wishing she had never spoken and that the ground would swallow her up right then.

  20. Zeno brushed agaisnt Haru. "Thats tough." he barked sympathetically and kinley. He nuzzled her in a frinedly way.

  21. Haru suddenly pressed her head into Zeno's shoulder."I can't let that happen to anyone else!" She said suddenly.

  22. "It wont." Zeno barked soothingly, nuzzling Haru's muzzle. He hoped that Haru could hear his heart thumping.

  23. (Does she like him?)

    Adrian looked up."Sure, I'll share." He felt bad for acting so upset earlier. He gestured for her to sit by him.

    "I hope not." Haru closed her eyes and breathed in his smell. Her heart was pounding.

  24. Zeno nodded, his nose brushing her cheek. "Haru....." he whispered quietly.

  25. Hau looked up."Yes?" She wondered if Zeno liked her. It felt like it. I wonder what he has to say....

  26. "Uh..thanks.." Kahzy barked as she sat down.
    "Umm...about me..becoming Beta....." she began slowly.

  27. Adrian pulled over a rabbit."That's okay. It was Kryon's choice. I don't hate you or anything." He smiled.

  28. Zeno looked nervous. "Haru....I really like you..." he barked.

  29. Kahzy looked relieved she smiled at him and then suddenly looked away and blushed. (OooooooOOOOOOOooooohhhhHH! She DOES like him!! |:D)

  30. (XD K got it.)

    Haru's eyes glittered."Really?" You do?" She thought she was going to burst.

    Adrian smiled knowingly. He offered her part of his rabbit."Here."

  31. "Of course!" Zeno barked, but it came out a whisper.

  32. Kahzy smiled shyly and took a bite of the tender meat. She glanced over at Haru and Zeno with embarrassment. she thought to herself. She glance back up at Adrian and suddenly realized she liked him. (Can you change her status to "Crush on Adrian"?) She smiled at him when his head was bent over the rabbit. She admired the markings on him.
    "...Gorgeous...." she breathed. She felt her face grown extreemly hot and she shoved her head over her rabbit and took a huge bite.

  33. (:P That's almost what I'm like when I see my crush.)

    Adrian glanced at Kahzy as she took a big bite. Something's bothering her... He thought.

  34. Kahzy felt his eyes broing into her and she glanced up nervously.
    He's looking at me. He's actually looking at ME!....!!.....I think I'm melting. Kahzy thought to herself as she gazed into his eyes, Her head still bent over the rabbit but her eyes looking into his. She stayed forzen in her spot, eyes on Adrian.

  35. Dayra-
    She stood up, planning to go over to Haru and check on her leg, but she spotted Zeno and thought better of it, smirking. ((hehehe))
    She congratulated Kahzy, then trodded off to into the forest for a quick stroll and to gather some herbs. (stores are low after the battle)

  36. Adrian held in a laugh. She was acting so jittery.

    Haru gathered up enough courage and pressed her head gently into his flank."I like you too."

  37. Kahzy looked horrified at the way she was acting. She hastily shoved her head back over the rabbit and continued to gulp down her food.

  38. "" Zeno looked shocked, but ended up barking calmly. "Haru, will you be my mate?"

  39. Haru smiled."Of course I would!" She barked and licked his ear.

    Adrian leaned over."Could I still have some too?"

  40. Zeno smiled, nuzzling her cheek.

  41. Kahzy froze again in horror and shoved the rabbit over to him with obtuse embarrassment. She could have sworn her face was on fire.
    Maybe because he's so hot! she thought dreamily as her face still showed shock and horrified realization.
    "Adrian...!!" she barked, beginning a sentance but changing it quickly into a exclamation.
    "Uhm......there's..a waterfall over there..." she squeaked as she backed away and almost died with embarrassment. (Ah! I feel so bad for her! I'd DIE if this happened to me!!)

  42. Adrian blinked for a moment in confusion, then smiled."Yes, there is a waterfall. What about it?" He cocked his head, then thought about it."Do you want to go over there?"

    (XD you're playing her so well it makes me laugh!)
